My friend showed me all the letters I had written to her over the years, whilst on my travels, they are hilarious!! You have inspired me! I may do a post about it ! But I need to re read them first before I make that decision! 🤦🏻♀️ Oh I miss that simplistic life! Now we are attached to our phones and I can’t stand it !
That's such a great idea for a post - look forward to reading it! Yes I don't know how we could ever re-create the emotions that come from that kind of communication 🥹
I'm so sad that this series has ended, Faith - it's been brilliant.
That said, I have some questions. 1) What's the beef with a) my favourite Keanu movie and b) my favourite Spice Girl? 2) Antlers? Spill the detail there please!
Thanks so much Lewis! Ah may be I need to make it clear those are letters from my brother - such withering put downs! I've no idea where the deer antlers thing came from - he may have been going slightly mad at this point 😄
I usually see two types of reactions to poverty in childhood in my clients and personal environment. Some lean into it (me), others run away from it. The first category doesn't seem to care too much about money but have trouble asking, accepting and/or keeping money, and the others focus so hard on it that it stops them from living now. It takes work to move from one towards the other, but it is possible.
Thank you so much Sara, that's such a lovely thing to say! It was a little heavy at times, but also really nice when it got to the happy bits! I hope to start up a new theme next week.
The wonderful thing about letter writing going out of fashion is that it's even more special to receive one. I started doing this a few years ago and fell out of the habit. I'll need to start again.
I really like this idea Dean. It's got to be a good way of slowing down - I bet there are handwriting classes out there somewhere for adults who've forgotten the habit 🤔
Thanks Faith, I've really enjoyed reading your story, real highs, lows and cliff hangers. I could really sense you as that at times lost teenager trying to find her way and fathom the chaos. Loved loved loved the cultural references too, even if I'm a decade or so older than you, they stretch!
Looking forward to what comes next :-), thanks again x
This has been a lovely read Faith. Interesting (and honest) account re. your approach to money. Btw, your brother is wrong about the film Speed, but your father is correct - EastEnders Roy really didn't stand a chance against Frank.
Ha ha thank you Sharon! I really liked Speed when it came out - not sure why he hated it so much! I love that poor Roy's battle is etched on your memory!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
And I’m a Yank that probably misses half the cultural references. You brought back bad memories of phone bills (there’s one thing modern technology improved on!).
I love what you wrote about falling in love all over again while reading old letters. So touchingly human!
Aw thank you Andy. That's so kind! What a lovely gig to go to with you mum at that age! I can just imagine this - I really loved Kula Shaker and I think they made quite an impact even though they were only around for a short time.
nooooo! not the end?? surely the commissioners will renew for 'series 2: uni era' ??? but fr, this has been a great weekly read, loved it loved it loved it
No way, I'm sorry, but this can't end. I won't allow it to, and neither will your loyal, die-hard fans. There's so much more to hear about! What happens next?
My letter/postcard experience mirrors yours almost to a T. Last summer, when my parents were packing up and moving, I went through my collection of old letters (and mix tapes, there are loads of them), postcards, and wow, what a trip down memory lane. I took loads of pictures of them and sent them to the senders, and I did a lot of reminiscing with old school friends.
I'm killing the romance here a bit, but fast forward to when Facebook first started - it was a lot like some of those old postcards where you arranged plans. In the early FB days, I remember people posting on walls, 'what are you doing Friday, meet me at 6 for the cinema' and there'd be a back-and-forth making arrangements.
Thank you so much Daniel! I'm not sure there's much more to say story wise, but I do have a load of random things I'd like to make into B-sides.
How funny about your letters - and mixed tapes - I wonder what was on them? It's so strange to think we had a totally different language back then. I can't imagine younger people would be able to get their heads round it.
I don't remember that approach to Facebook but I was a bit late to it. It does blow my mind that I now message through about 20 different apps now. It's no wonder our attention spans are shot to pieces.
I didn't! I ignored most of my brother's music advice but I did take a look yesterday at it and I can see where he was coming from. There was so much incredible music around that I wonder how we took it all in!
The best bit was meeting up with someone. You'd write a letter and say "I'll meet you under the clock at Charing Cross Station at three o'clock next Thursday." 🕰️ Then, at half past three on Thursday, you'd say to yourself, "I'll give her another twenty minutes and then I am going home."
I was always on time until that girlfriend. She ruined me.
I wrote to my girlfriend every week for three years. All in fountain pen 🖋️ We had a lot to say! Mostly about love 💕
I love what you say about how reading those old letters has helped you reconnect with your family, Faith – realising from their words that they understood you.
This mini-series has been a wonderful glimpse into how you grew up and of those times. Such a happy photo at the end, too. You made it to university!
Oh no , last in the series😢 this has been lovely to read Faith. I totally forgot that phone calls were cheaper after 6 😆 Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for reading Francis! Yes it seems as if the cost of phone calls really went up in the 90s judging from the letters!
My friend showed me all the letters I had written to her over the years, whilst on my travels, they are hilarious!! You have inspired me! I may do a post about it ! But I need to re read them first before I make that decision! 🤦🏻♀️ Oh I miss that simplistic life! Now we are attached to our phones and I can’t stand it !
That's such a great idea for a post - look forward to reading it! Yes I don't know how we could ever re-create the emotions that come from that kind of communication 🥹
I'm so sad that this series has ended, Faith - it's been brilliant.
That said, I have some questions. 1) What's the beef with a) my favourite Keanu movie and b) my favourite Spice Girl? 2) Antlers? Spill the detail there please!
Thanks so much Lewis! Ah may be I need to make it clear those are letters from my brother - such withering put downs! I've no idea where the deer antlers thing came from - he may have been going slightly mad at this point 😄
Ah, gotcha. I would love to change his mind on Speed - it's fantastic!
I remember thinking it was amazing at the time too!
Baby Spice was your favourite too? Good man!
I usually see two types of reactions to poverty in childhood in my clients and personal environment. Some lean into it (me), others run away from it. The first category doesn't seem to care too much about money but have trouble asking, accepting and/or keeping money, and the others focus so hard on it that it stops them from living now. It takes work to move from one towards the other, but it is possible.
Thanks so much for reading and liking all the posts Maggie. I know what you mean - I think I'm in the latter category 🙂
Loved this series, Faith! I’m sure it wasn’t easy to re-hash all those memories but you did such a beautiful job. 👏♥️ kind of sad it’s over now 😢
Thank you so much Sara, that's such a lovely thing to say! It was a little heavy at times, but also really nice when it got to the happy bits! I hope to start up a new theme next week.
The wonderful thing about letter writing going out of fashion is that it's even more special to receive one. I started doing this a few years ago and fell out of the habit. I'll need to start again.
I really like this idea Dean. It's got to be a good way of slowing down - I bet there are handwriting classes out there somewhere for adults who've forgotten the habit 🤔
Oh I need that! I’ve terrible handwriting
So sad this is over! Thank you for your raw, honest and beautiful mini-memoir. Let me know when it gets turned in to the book that it deserves to be x
Aw thank you so much Rebecca, that's so lovely! Glad you enjoyed it x
Thanks Faith, I've really enjoyed reading your story, real highs, lows and cliff hangers. I could really sense you as that at times lost teenager trying to find her way and fathom the chaos. Loved loved loved the cultural references too, even if I'm a decade or so older than you, they stretch!
Looking forward to what comes next :-), thanks again x
Aww thank you Ruth, that's so kind! So glad you enjoyed it - and the cultural refs. I'll remember that for next time! x
This has been lovely Faith. I will miss the instalments landing. I look forward to the next adventure.
Thank you so much Margaret, that's so lovely of you to say. It's so encouraging!
This has been a lovely read Faith. Interesting (and honest) account re. your approach to money. Btw, your brother is wrong about the film Speed, but your father is correct - EastEnders Roy really didn't stand a chance against Frank.
Ha ha thank you Sharon! I really liked Speed when it came out - not sure why he hated it so much! I love that poor Roy's battle is etched on your memory!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
What a lovely series!
And I’m a Yank that probably misses half the cultural references. You brought back bad memories of phone bills (there’s one thing modern technology improved on!).
I love what you wrote about falling in love all over again while reading old letters. So touchingly human!
Thank you so much John, that's such lovely feedback, especially with all those UK refs you've had to wade through! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Loved this series, Faith. I’m with the masses - we want more.
I saw Kula Shaker at V97 (with my mum?! I was 11 tbf) and they were absolutely outstanding. I was obsessed with their first album!
Aw thank you Andy. That's so kind! What a lovely gig to go to with you mum at that age! I can just imagine this - I really loved Kula Shaker and I think they made quite an impact even though they were only around for a short time.
nooooo! not the end?? surely the commissioners will renew for 'series 2: uni era' ??? but fr, this has been a great weekly read, loved it loved it loved it
Thanks so much Ruby!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I do have a few ideas for B-sides actually 🤨
can’t wait!
No way, I'm sorry, but this can't end. I won't allow it to, and neither will your loyal, die-hard fans. There's so much more to hear about! What happens next?
My letter/postcard experience mirrors yours almost to a T. Last summer, when my parents were packing up and moving, I went through my collection of old letters (and mix tapes, there are loads of them), postcards, and wow, what a trip down memory lane. I took loads of pictures of them and sent them to the senders, and I did a lot of reminiscing with old school friends.
I'm killing the romance here a bit, but fast forward to when Facebook first started - it was a lot like some of those old postcards where you arranged plans. In the early FB days, I remember people posting on walls, 'what are you doing Friday, meet me at 6 for the cinema' and there'd be a back-and-forth making arrangements.
Did you ever buy Little Fluffy Clouds?
Thank you so much Daniel! I'm not sure there's much more to say story wise, but I do have a load of random things I'd like to make into B-sides.
How funny about your letters - and mixed tapes - I wonder what was on them? It's so strange to think we had a totally different language back then. I can't imagine younger people would be able to get their heads round it.
I don't remember that approach to Facebook but I was a bit late to it. It does blow my mind that I now message through about 20 different apps now. It's no wonder our attention spans are shot to pieces.
I didn't! I ignored most of my brother's music advice but I did take a look yesterday at it and I can see where he was coming from. There was so much incredible music around that I wonder how we took it all in!
I still listen to some of those mixes every now and again. I have a couple with me right now, I might pop one on later.
Weekends are great for this I find
The best bit was meeting up with someone. You'd write a letter and say "I'll meet you under the clock at Charing Cross Station at three o'clock next Thursday." 🕰️ Then, at half past three on Thursday, you'd say to yourself, "I'll give her another twenty minutes and then I am going home."
I was always on time until that girlfriend. She ruined me.
I wrote to my girlfriend every week for three years. All in fountain pen 🖋️ We had a lot to say! Mostly about love 💕
That's so lovely! Have you included these in your memoir?!
Not yet. I did just post one about having babies on the Brooklyn Bridge though 😊
I love what you say about how reading those old letters has helped you reconnect with your family, Faith – realising from their words that they understood you.
This mini-series has been a wonderful glimpse into how you grew up and of those times. Such a happy photo at the end, too. You made it to university!
Thank you so much for reading Wendy! Yes it was suddenly so clear - and I'd forgotten that.