Killing it with this series, Faith. I'm excited/anxious to see what comes next.
My first proper job was working in my old man's local (such a nepo baby), would've been about '93. It was considered gastro but I'm not sure massive jacket potatoes would fit that definition anymore.
Thanks Lewis! Yes I think the definition of gastro food has changed then. I struggled to remember what we served - but you've actually reminded me of potato skins - they were huge in the early 90s - and utterly delicious! Did you do them?!
The visuals created by your writing absolutely pull me in and express such a wide range of emotions. The Saffy reference painted a perfect portrait for me, and your use of the phrase "old man's breath" transported me to every dive bar and boozer I've whiled away the time in over the years (must incorporate boozer more often in my own vernacular). I eagerly anticipate the next track!
Your evocation of an old man’s pub is vivid Faith…and takes me back to my brother and I been given a bottle of coke and a packet of Ready Salted to entertain us in the car whilst our old man ‘luxuriated’ in the bar…the joy of the 70s (in my case!)
That was really heartbreaking, Faith. I think this one is your best post yet. I empathise, not so much for the details of the story but for your young sentimentality. I was the same, always feeling as something was being lost.
"It’s very similar to when married friends say, “I’d love to try Tinder, it must be so much fun”. No, Sue, it’s not fun." Classic Sue.
Thank you so much for saying that Dean. I’m really glad you saw that. It was a challenge to get the raw feeling of it across without being self pitying - I know how privileged I was ‘on paper’.
Wow ! This story is fascinating! I know it was difficult for you as a kid ! But what incredible exciting parents you had back then ! They didn’t give up and started a new adventure! I would have loved that pub and probably would have been drinking , underage as I did ! At 14 in the pubs with my mates 😝
Ha ha thanks Francis! It did have its fun points - I had a great advantage when it came to sourcing booze for teenage parties. Do you remember Mirage and Taboo? They were my go to 😁
Interesting life story. Thanks for sharing. I am super scared to see what my son says about the way he was raised but he’s getting older now and has kids of his own so he is not as critical. My Mom is 87 and I don’t care about any of the past just want her to be happy in her last years? Days? Minutes? Forgiveness is everything. My 2nd husband, passed on now was nearly beaten to death by his father and mother yet he forgave them. It is amazing how much we can forgive.
What a story. I really winced at the nascent Saffy bit. I actually never found her part in Ab Fab funny. It was too much like neglect in my mind. Maybe there's a generation of us who remembers this era too well. For now, I'm looking forward to the next story.
Uh oh...ending on another ominously poignant note where there's more heartbreak and pain to come...such is life, I suppose, in the Asphalt World of gastropubs where Daddy's Speeding and Faithie ends up being the Heroine who saves the day. (perhaps - sorry, this is a bit forced, i'm trying, I lack the Power for this).
As for the ‘put themselves’ bit you mentioned, I will admit that I always thought it would be cool to own and live in a pub. I was just telling my daughter about this the other day, about pubs and landlords and living upstairs (and then I started fantasising about a secondhand bookshop and living upstairs before getting sad when I realised this is highly unlikely to ever happen).
Any more chucking and you'll end up Black or Blue. Don't want that to happen. I can't imagine what the Wild Ones would make of it. It's not exactly This Hollywood Life we're talking about.
What a rollercoaster for you, Faith. I remember the Hare & Hounds in Sway! My late aunt lived near there and it was one of her favourite places for a meal out, but that would have been around 2010. I guess that was long after your family's tenure?
Killing it with this series, Faith. I'm excited/anxious to see what comes next.
My first proper job was working in my old man's local (such a nepo baby), would've been about '93. It was considered gastro but I'm not sure massive jacket potatoes would fit that definition anymore.
Thanks Lewis! Yes I think the definition of gastro food has changed then. I struggled to remember what we served - but you've actually reminded me of potato skins - they were huge in the early 90s - and utterly delicious! Did you do them?!
Haha, I served (and ate) so many of them in the 90s. They'd probably be considered retro now.
Yes how funny. I can’t remember when I last saw them. Wow I’m so glad I remembered these. The taste of ‘91 🤣🤣
Cheese and bacon with sour cream dip. All the food groups!
Omg yes totally!!! Banoffee pie for pud.
This is my favourite instalment yet. What an interesting story, but must have been so difficult at the time. The paint colour made me actually lol.
Thank you so much Ruby! It’s been satisfying to write it, and to get such thoughtful feedback. Glad you liked that bit!
The visuals created by your writing absolutely pull me in and express such a wide range of emotions. The Saffy reference painted a perfect portrait for me, and your use of the phrase "old man's breath" transported me to every dive bar and boozer I've whiled away the time in over the years (must incorporate boozer more often in my own vernacular). I eagerly anticipate the next track!
Thank you so much for saying that Tim, I'm really glad that came across. It was quite overwhelming at the time.
I love the word boozer too - it's such a banger!
Your evocation of an old man’s pub is vivid Faith…and takes me back to my brother and I been given a bottle of coke and a packet of Ready Salted to entertain us in the car whilst our old man ‘luxuriated’ in the bar…the joy of the 70s (in my case!)
Thank you Ruth - exactly! And to think this was the norm for such a long time.
I know! Such different times…
Great stuff Faith. Fair play to your parents, but what a rollercoaster ride for you all.
Thank you Sharon! Yes it was a wild couple of years 😊
That was really heartbreaking, Faith. I think this one is your best post yet. I empathise, not so much for the details of the story but for your young sentimentality. I was the same, always feeling as something was being lost.
"It’s very similar to when married friends say, “I’d love to try Tinder, it must be so much fun”. No, Sue, it’s not fun." Classic Sue.
Thank you so much for saying that Dean. I’m really glad you saw that. It was a challenge to get the raw feeling of it across without being self pitying - I know how privileged I was ‘on paper’.
And yes, classic Sue!!!
Privilege is an awful, resentful word. Pain is pain.
Anyway, I wouldn’t read it if I picked up on self-pity. I felt this was empathy with your former self.
Thank you so much
Wow ! This story is fascinating! I know it was difficult for you as a kid ! But what incredible exciting parents you had back then ! They didn’t give up and started a new adventure! I would have loved that pub and probably would have been drinking , underage as I did ! At 14 in the pubs with my mates 😝
Ha ha thanks Francis! It did have its fun points - I had a great advantage when it came to sourcing booze for teenage parties. Do you remember Mirage and Taboo? They were my go to 😁
Interesting life story. Thanks for sharing. I am super scared to see what my son says about the way he was raised but he’s getting older now and has kids of his own so he is not as critical. My Mom is 87 and I don’t care about any of the past just want her to be happy in her last years? Days? Minutes? Forgiveness is everything. My 2nd husband, passed on now was nearly beaten to death by his father and mother yet he forgave them. It is amazing how much we can forgive.
Thanks Holly
Brilliant writing. Love it.
Thank you so much Mike, I really loved your restack comment
And again, you're leaving us on a cliffhanger. I'm loving these tracks Faith. Keep them coming!
Thank you so much Gillian!
What a story. I really winced at the nascent Saffy bit. I actually never found her part in Ab Fab funny. It was too much like neglect in my mind. Maybe there's a generation of us who remembers this era too well. For now, I'm looking forward to the next story.
Thank you so much Lisa, I'm glad you enjoyed it (and noticed that nuance 😊).
Uh oh...ending on another ominously poignant note where there's more heartbreak and pain to come...such is life, I suppose, in the Asphalt World of gastropubs where Daddy's Speeding and Faithie ends up being the Heroine who saves the day. (perhaps - sorry, this is a bit forced, i'm trying, I lack the Power for this).
As for the ‘put themselves’ bit you mentioned, I will admit that I always thought it would be cool to own and live in a pub. I was just telling my daughter about this the other day, about pubs and landlords and living upstairs (and then I started fantasising about a secondhand bookshop and living upstairs before getting sad when I realised this is highly unlikely to ever happen).
I thought you'd like the title Daniel!!
I wouldn't mind living above a second hand bookshop - that would be exactly my cup of tea - and a lot better hours I think!
I love the title!
All I can do is apologise for an appalling reply where I tried to shoehorn in a few too many song titles, which only the 2 of Us might've noticed.
Never mind. It's Still...Life.
I don’t want to encourage you but I’m really chucking at this
Any more chucking and you'll end up Black or Blue. Don't want that to happen. I can't imagine what the Wild Ones would make of it. It's not exactly This Hollywood Life we're talking about.
Love a song title riff…shame most of them are Trash…😘
Ha ha very good!!
Are you planning on Coming Up with any more zingers?
Oh that's good!
This is starting to seem like an Obsessions of yours Daniel…
🤣🤣🤣don’t encourage him Ruth!!
Sorry, just been a bit Lazy today. I swear, I had some better ideas this past Saturday Night but they've escaped me.
🤣 *draws to a close*
What a rollercoaster for you, Faith. I remember the Hare & Hounds in Sway! My late aunt lived near there and it was one of her favourite places for a meal out, but that would have been around 2010. I guess that was long after your family's tenure?
No way! I wondered whether anyone might have been there. We moved out in 94 so we were long gone. I'm glad it was still doing great food by then!
It was good, Faith! Nothing too “out there” or my aunt wouldn’t have chosen it, but it was very “reliable”! She ate there a lot.